Tips and Valuable Information for
Students Working While Studying

Working while studying in the Philippines can be challenging. Balancing your work with several class requirements can become overwhelming and might become too much for you. To help you handle your priorities, here are some tips and information you might want to learn about managing full-time work and full-time study.

How to Study While Working

Being a full-time student and working adult in the Philippines is not an easy task. Juggling all your responsibilities at work and in school may be too much for some individuals. If you want to thrive as a working student, here are some tips you should try:

Focus on Your Goal

You might be overwhelmed at times when trying to juggle your work responsibilities and class requirements. If you become too stressed, you might find yourself wanting to stop studying or even quitting your job to become a full-time student.
However, you should not be discouraged by the obstacles you face on the way. Instead, you should focus on your goal of getting a bachelor’s or master’s degree for working adults and creating a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones.

Enhance Your Reading Skills

One of the most challenging tasks for students who are studying while working in the Philippines is keeping up with all the reading they need to do for their classes. So, if you don’t want to be overwhelmed by a lot of reading materials when exam seasons come, you need to improve your reading speed.
There are various techniques that you can try to increase your reading speed and get through your class materials faster. Doing so can help you avoid getting swamped with various tasks that you could have accomplished earlier if you read faster.

Make the Most Out of Breaks

Schools in the Philippines will still have summer and holiday breaks even if you are studying while working. Instead of spending the break doing nothing, you can study your class materials in advance. Doing this will help you manage your workload once classes resume.
You can also opt to take accelerated courses if possible. This will help you complete your master’s or bachelor’s degree for working adults much faster.

Set a Study Day

Stop cramming and becoming overly stressed before taking big tests. To ensure that you’re fully prepared for your exams, set a study day where you’ll only focus on your lessons and not think of anything else.
You can set a Saturday before your exam to study. If you want to set your study day closer to your exam, you can also take a day off work and review at least two days before the test. This will help keep the lessons fresher in your mind for the exam.

Take Care of Yourself

Shouldering too much stress when balancing your full-time work and full-time study can be detrimental to your health. Being unhealthy while juggling working and studying can cause you to perform poorly in both aspects.
To ensure that you’re healthy enough to continue working while studying in the Philippines, you need to learn how to manage your stress. Some of the things you can do are exercise regularly, start a journal, or pamper yourself.

Benefits of Studying While Working

Students who are working while studying face a lot of obstacles when juggling their responsibilities. However, studying while working does not always cause stress. It also offers some benefits:

Improved time management skills

Working while studying hones your time management skills. This happens when you need to prioritize your tasks and complete several assignments at the same time.

Study while earning

Unlike full-time students, you can keep earning enough to sustain your lifestyle even while studying. You can use your money to fund your education and avoid taking on debt. You can also use it to support yourself and your family.

Apply your learnings

When you’re working in the same field as the degree you’re taking, you can bring your learnings from the classroom to your workplace. You can also use your work experience in the classroom to understand concepts better.

Challenges of Studying While Working

Being a full-time student and a working professional in the Philippines can be hard, especially because of the different challenges you might encounter:

Balancing Your Attention and Energy

Dividing your attention between work and study may be difficult at first. Managing your time wisely will take a lot of effort and may even cause you to sacrifice your time spent for other aspects of your life, such as social events and extracurricular activities. Pouring your mental and physical energy into work and study can also leave you feeling stressed and fatigued.

Intersecting Deadlines

You cannot control the deadlines set by your boss or teacher for your tasks. Sometimes, the deadlines for your work and class requirements can coincide, leaving you stressed about which one to prioritize. Smaller responsibilities that are due one day from each other may also cause you to become overwhelmed with your schedule.

Schedule Flexibility

Another challenge of studying while working in the Philippines is the flexibility in your schedule. If your boss doesn’t know that you are studying while working, you might not have the chance to ask for a more flexible schedule at work to attend classes in the middle of the day. So, you need to make sure to inform your managers of your intention to work while studying so they can understand your situation and accommodate your shifts in schedule.

Benefits of Studying Through Online Learning

Attending face-to-face classes while working can be extra challenging. The added time and stress of commuting to and from work and school can make your experience even more tiring.

Fortunately, you can choose to take up your bachelor’s or master’s education online here in the Philippines. Doing so will allow you to enjoy the following benefits:

Time Efficient

One of the greatest benefits of online learning is that you don’t need to commute to campus to attend classes. This means that you won’t be wasting your time stuck in traffic for hours just to attend one class.

Instead, you can use your laptop or mobile device and attend your classes wherever you are. You can even use your free time at work to listen to lessons and catch up with your requirements.

Self-Paced Learning

With online learning, you can study at your most convenient time. This means that you can complete your online accounting course or other class requirements whenever you’re free. You can also choose to study in advance to get ahead of your lessons and be prepared for your next sessions.

Improved Virtual Communication and Collaboration Skills

Online learning also helps hone your virtual communication and collaboration skills. This happens because you will be required to communicate with your teacher and work with other students who are also enrolled in your online classes. To communicate effectively, you need to use different channels, including email, online messaging apps, and discussion boards. With time, you will be used to talking with other people using digital communication channels.

Variety of Degree Programs to Choose From

Another thing you might like about online learning is the different degree programs you can choose from. At OEd, we offer a variety of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs for working adults. Here are some of the bachelor’s degree programs we offer:
· Accountancy
· BA Psychology Course
· Information Technology
· Computer Engineering

For more information regarding our online degree programs for working adults, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are committed to helping you reach your educational goals in life.

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