Master of Science in
Computer Science

The Masters of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) is designed in considering to contribute the high demand of computer scientist nationally, regionally and internationally. The program provides the balance  of advanced  theory and practical computing knowledge and skills necessary to prepare its graduate for professional practice, research and/or for continuation into a PhD program.

The program culminates with thesis writing through which student develop their ability to perform independent investigation of recent advances and present the result in a written document.

Master of Science in Computer Science program aims to produce to globally competitive graduates who will be professionally competent, morally upright, and socially responsible contributors to national development and internationally.
Specifically, in three to five years after graduation, the Computer Science alumni shall:

a. have advanced their career as middle level managers or leaders in the area of computer science for advancement of society;

b. continuously promote professionalism in the area of computer science;

c. and have demonstrated global competitiveness by adopting best practices in their field

MSCS Curriculum page
MSCS Curriculum page


(W/O Pre MBA Courses)


(W/ Pre MBA Courses)

Number Of Units

1 year & 2 terms

Years To Complete

OEd’s Go-to Statement

For professionals who would like to pursue their studies and work at the same time, we are the Go-to for flexible distance education with established expertise in the field of online education since 2015. Unlike the other competitors, we value the students by providing the best customer service while giving them the best advice on how to finish their studies as fast as possible. The 24/7 platform accessibility liberates the students to manage their time and learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere.

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