Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management (BSTM) is an ideal program for those seeking a career in the dynamic tourism and hospitality industry. This degree equips students with essential skills and knowledge to thrive in various tourism sectors. Here’s a concise overview of the BSTM program:

Core Areas of Study
Tourism Principles and Practices: Learn about the tourism industry’s history, significance, and services.
Hospitality Management: Gain expertise in managing hotels, resorts, and lodging facilities.
Travel and Tour Operations: Master the planning and managing of travel services and agencies.
Event Management: Acquire skills to organize and execute events like conferences and festivals.
Sustainable Tourism: Understand and promote eco-friendly tourism practices.

Provide comprehensive knowledge of the tourism and hospitality industry.

Develop professional skills for management roles.

Promote sustainable tourism practices.

Foster entrepreneurial skills for starting tourism-related businesses.

Graduates of the BSTM program can pursue careers in:

  • Hotel and Resort Management
  • Travel Agency Operations
  • Tour Guiding and Operations
  • Event Planning and Management
  • Destination Marketing and Management
  • Cruise Line Operations
  • Eco-tourism Development
BSTM Curriculum 2024 page
BSTM Curriculum 2024 page

Why Pursue a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Degree with OEd?

Practical Experience

Field Trips and Study Tours: Experience tourist destinations and learn about global tourism trends.

Internships: Gain hands-on experience in hotels, travel agencies, and event management companies.


Number Of Units


Years To Complete

OEd’s Go-to Statement

For professionals who would like to pursue their studies and work at the same time, we are the Go-to for flexible distance education with established expertise in the field of online education since 2015. Unlike the other competitors, we value the students by providing the best customer service while giving them the best advice on how to finish their studies as fast as possible. The 24/7 platform accessibility liberates the students to manage their time and learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere.

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