The OEd online elementary education program is here to guide your child during their formative years. We offer our online learning program for elementary pupils from Grade 3 to Grade 6. Our curriculum is carefully crafted and approved by the Department of Education to give your child a strong foundation for their higher education.
Why You Should Invest In
Online Basic Education
Children can achieve at their own pace
Online learning for elementary pupils allows parents or guardians to create an individualized learning program for their child’s optimum development. Children can move at a pace where they can master skills and the curriculum comfortably and successfully. If you find your child is more adept at Science but needs more help in Filipino, you can breeze through the Science lessons while taking more care in subjects that require you to do so – eliminating the need and pressure to wait for their peers.

Flexible Set-Up
With an online learning set-up, your child doesn’t need to wake up early just to get dressed, have breakfast, and beat the Metro’s traffic just to get to school before 7:30 AM. In fact, with OEd Basic Education, your child does not even need to start at 7:30 AM at all. OEd Basic Education allows you to create your own schedule, starting as early or as late as you and your child would like. You can go through the lessons in one sitting or can split it up into more manageable learning blocks if this is more beneficial for your child.
What OEd Offers
OEd Basic Education gives your child an integrated and seamless curriculum designed for their future learning. This is called spiral progression wherein the lessons of the succeeding year are based upon the lessons taught in the previous year, which makes it important to build as strong of a foundation as possible.
Grade 3
Students will be required to learn their Mother Tongue to celebrate and appreciate our country’s languages and dialects.
Grade 4
Students will have a holistic curriculum including Science, Math, Araling Panlipunan, Filipino, and an Elective Class.
Grade 5
Students will learn to apply the knowledge and skills they learned in Grade 4 and build upon them.
Grade 6
This final year before Junior High School will ensure your child has all the skills they need to successfully transition to their next step in life.
What Pupils Will Gain from Online Basic Education
After successfully completing the OEd Basic Education program, students will acquire the following learning outcomes which are divided into different skills.
These are:
- Knowledge, Skills, and Values
- Application Skills
- Degree of Independence Skills