What is Cross Enrollment and Why Should You Try it?

Gone are the days when students could only take courses offered by their school. With the increased use of technology in schools, students now afford more flexibility in personalizing their education experience. One such benefit of the integration of technology in education is cross enrollment, meaning students can enroll in a course or two in more than one school.

You may be wondering what cross enrollment is and how it can potentially benefit your education. Keep reading to understand how this practice and OEd’s online education can enrich your education. 

college student

What is Cross Enrollment?

Cross enrollment refers to enrolling in a course or subject at another college or university. While cross-enrolled, the student attends classes at both schools, but only pursues a degree at their home school.

However, the course you take at the separate institution is credited and counted toward the required credits for your degree at your original school.

This practice is useful for students who unable to take a unit or course during a semester due to course availability at their home school or schedule hindrances so they can catch up or complete their degree on time. Students who want to take additional classes to supplement their academic programs will also find cross-enrolling beneficial.

Why Should I Cross Enroll?

Cross enrollment allows students to access courses from other schools for a variety of reasons. Although it may require additional work, doing so offers a wide range of benefits for students.

Are you considering cross enrolling? Here are reasons to cross enroll this semester:

Graduate On Time

College degrees typically take four to five years to finish. However, your timeline may be derailed if you fail a prerequisite class. In some cases, the class may not be offered in the following semester, causing further delays.

Cross enrollment can help avoid this, or at least, minimize delays in your timeline. If the class you need to take is not offered in the following semester, you can take it at another school. That way, you still have a chance to catch up and graduate as early as possible, if not on time.

Save Money

This may sound counter-intuitive, but you also get to save on tuition fees with cross enrollment. This is particularly true for those who need to retake classes. Instead of enrolling for a summer semester or extending your stay at your university, you can take classes at another school like OEd.

When you cross enroll at OEd, you only pay for the fees for your course. You don’t need to pay for other fees required by traditional schools. Plus, you can access classes online so you can also save on allowance.

In the end, you get to save even as you take additional classes.

Improve Scheduling

Most higher education institutions offer bachelor’s degrees for working professionals in the Philippines, which means they offer classes at night or on the weekends.

However, schedule accommodations tend to be limited to the availability of the professor, so students must adjust their schedule if a required class is not available.

If a class schedule conflicts with theirs, students may cross enroll at another school that offers the class at a more convenient time.

With more flexible schedules, students don’t need to make major compromises at work or personal life to complete their education.

For busy working students, cross enrollment reduces stress and improves the quality of education.

Access a Wide Range of Programs

students accessing oed website

A great reason for cross enrollment is to gain access to diverse courses offered by other institutions.

Some schools may have specialized course offerings. While this ensures that students graduate with a strong foundation in their field, exposure to other fields helps ensure holistic development.

Curious students may seek to explore other fields for fun or to supplement their niche knowledge. Cross enrollment encourages this curiosity by making diverse programs available.

You can enroll in courses that are not available in their school without having to shell out a lot of money. With cross enrollment, you have greater freedom to explore.

Personalize Your Education

The benefits of cross enrollment are not limited to the practical advantages. Arguably, one of its most important benefits is that it allows students to satisfy their curiosity. 

College students follow a curriculum designed for their chosen course. Often, there is little wiggle room for delays and advances, let alone for exploring other courses.

Cross enrollment allows students to do exactly this—enroll in classes in other institutions based on what they think would benefit them. They can tailor their education to fit their goals. This should give them a unique advantage against other fresh graduates later on in life.

Boost Your Resume

While the goal of education is to encourage young people to think independently, an equally important goal is teaching them important skills. Education primes students for a fruitful career.

In the current competitive job market, graduates must be exceptional to stand out against other skillful applicants. And one way to do this is by accumulating a unique skill set.

With cross enrollment, students can gain knowledge and skills to complement their college major. Students can add their skills to their resumes and leverage them to land their dream job.

Can I Cross Enroll in OEd?


Cross enrolling means that students can join in and be credited for classes offered by other higher education institutions. Ultimately, cross enrollment means giving students the freedom and the opportunity to shape their education, so it fits their goals.

Students interested in expanding their horizons are welcome at OEd. Secure approval of outbound cross enrollment from your college or university to ensure that your classes are credited. Then, you can register at OEd’s cross enroll program.

OEd offers a wide range of academic courses that can open new opportunities for you. Inquire here about the program and how you can apply.

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