Online high school is an important step to take towards your college prep
In a time where most schooling has gone remote, online high school is a big…
Improve Your Life by Becoming a Lifelong Learner
Most people associate learning with their school years or what’s called a “formal education”: elementary,…
Higher Education, A Great Investment for Overseas Filipino Workers
How Online Education Helps Get OFWs Better Jobs and Pay Year after year, many Filipino…
Online Education Gives Moms Chance to Continue Their Learning Journey
AMA Online Education provides mothers study opportunities without sacrificing much needed time at home.
How Online Education Appeals to Everyone’s Inner Learner
AMA University Online Education (AMA OEd), a platform that offers university level-degree and short courses…
Online Education Gives Graduates an Advantage in the Modern Workplace
The country’s pioneer in online education bridges this gap between the need for digital competence…